Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm back bitches (there are no bitches here who am I kidding)

So I've been on tumblr for a little bit. not that long actually but I have two tumblrs I manage. But you know I kinda miss this whole blogspot deal!
This is my friend's blog. if you like prettiness
and lolita you should go see it!

pretty things tumblr.
steampunk tumblr.

A steampunk one and a prettythings one. Basically these tumblrs are for satisfaction for a need of classy things and a need for steampunk things. Then I sorta made a random one and I forgot the name of it. BUT WHATEVER.

Bottom line is my friend made a ridiculously beautiful blog and I wanted to follow it and it made me start blogging again. These blogs are really mostly for our friends to read and sort of have fun with them ourselves but if anyone actually ends up reading them - all the better.

BASICALLY now I wanna make this a fashion everything blog. Or my kind at least. I love random dressup things so it probably wont be generic fashion or focused on one specific style. But just see :D

1 comment:

  1. Ridiculously beautiful? Why thank you. I FEEL SO INSPIRING :'D
    Much love. <3
    And I'm going to watch your blog like a stalked from now on.
