Saturday, August 14, 2010

WoW, computers, and stufffff

Mkay so yesterday I got the 10 day free trial for World of Warcraft. That game is so awesome! of course I couldn't play it like competitively, and def. not get all the expansionness cause that's like $100, but I think I'd like to buy a month of it! It seems like a great idea. Even though the thing that sucks is I'm leaving home for a few days soon so I'll only get to use like 3 of my 10day trial days. Which does really suck but oh well. School starts soon though, so I guess I'll see how I'm doing with my classes (all advanced so I don't know about the time) in terms of homework and stuff cause I don't wanna be one of those WoW addicts that's just like.... lives for it and doesn't do anything else >.> So I'll see about that.

Also now i started trying to spend more time off the internets and do stuff like draw and write and do summer homework and things, so  my parents don't get mad and eh it feels good anyway to accomplish something othar than that. Maybe I'll put up like a couple of some of my drawings sometime.

Also I had some happy times yesterday cleaning my computer for hours straight. I started out with 37GB of free space left on my local disk C, but then I cleaned and cleaned and finally got to 84GB. Runs so much better and I am very happy. If not for that WoW probably would have lagged a lot and things, and now I can finally install more stuff! hooray!

I know I have some collab stories my friends and I are writing and some I'm doing on my own. They're kind of crappy but whatever it's all fun for now. So I think I'll make another blog for them and link to it so my friends can see them and everything! And well anyone else who cares to read. Maybe I'll do another post sometime soon about each story. Or I'll just do that on the blog when I make it.

You know what, I'll go make it right now and maybe it's gonna be blank for a bit unless I upload something. I think I have a couple but they're all from last year except for the one I'm working on now. But that one is kinda short so far. Well I'll see.


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